In-application Messaging for Desktop Applications

Reach and educate users with fully targeted, event driven, direct-to-desktop in-application messaging

How In-application Messaging for Desktop Applications Works

In-application messaging lets you to communicate directly with users via contextually relevant messages based on rules you define. With our online wizard, you can easily create ReachOut messages and deliver them to users as automated HTML popup windows or customized messages within your brand look and feel. You can create segments based on Usage Intelligence data such as User Profile (demographic data including hardware, software, geography and more), Product Usage (specific features, or total runtime), or previous ReachOut Campaign membership in drip or nurture campaigns. Messages are delivered in the format you choose, with 100% delivery to campaign recipients.

When in-application messaging is paired with usage analytics data you can achieve business goals across your organization. From simple product notifications and feedback collection, to upgrade campaigns to drive more revenue, ReachOut delivers value to product stakeholders in Development, Product Management, Marketing, and Sales.


  • Drive product and feature education, awareness, and adoption
  • Deliver up-sell and cross-sell campaigns to existing users
  • Prompt for version updates and upgrades
  • Collect in-application, context-sensitive user feedback
  • Promote external or online company events


Usage Intelligence

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