Objects and merge modules are quite similar in functionality. Both can be inserted into an InstallShield project. They both are essentially self-contained projects that install files, create registry entries, and perform other actions when needed.
An easy way to differentiate between objects and merge modules in InstallShield is by their icons.
A merge module looks like:
While an Object icon looks somewhat different:
There are two main differences between objects and merge modules:
1. Objects contain wizards. When an Object is selected for insertion into an InstallShield project, a wizard appears that allows you to configure the Object. Merge modules do not contain wizards and do not require configuration to work properly.
2. Merge modules can be created using the “Blank Merge Module Project” option under “Create a New project” in the InstallShield Today view. You can create custom merge modules to insert into their projects, but custom objects cannot be created.
What differences have you discovered?
InstallShield® is the world’s leading Windows installation development solution. InstallShield is designed to enable development teams to be more agile, collaborative and flexible when building reliable InstallScript and Windows Installer MSI installations for desktop, server, Web, virtual and traditional applications. The software installer of choice for today’s sophisticated application producers, InstallShield is the only software installer that can directly convert MSIs to Microsoft App-V virtual packages. Get your free trial of InstallShield today or contact us for more information.
InstallAnywhere is the leading multiplatform development solution for application producers who need to deliver a professional and consistent cross installation experience for physical, virtual and cloud environments. From a single project file and build environment, InstallAnywhere creates reliable installations for on-premises platforms – Windows, Linux, Apple OS X, Solaris, AIX , HP-UX, and IBM iSeries – and enables you to take existing and new software products to a virtual and cloud infrastructure. Get your free trial of InstallAnywhere or contact us for more information.