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As mentioned in the article Using InstallScript Actions in Suite/Advanced UI, InstallShield 2013 provided functionality to call InstallScript code from Suite/Advanced UI actions. However, the IDE did not provide any direct method of creating InstallScript actions or authoring code for such actions. Starting with InstallShield 2014, the IDE now includes the ability to edit InstallScript directly from a Suite/Advanced UI project. The InstallScript view, present in other project types such as Basic MSI and InstallScript, is now present in Suite/Advanced UI projects. In addition, the Events view in Suite/Advanced UI projects now provides the option of creating InstallScript actions and selecting the exported InstallScript function to call through the action at run time.

To upgrade a Suite/Advanced UI project that had previously had InstallScript actions added to it (per the previously mentioned article), take the following steps to import your InstallScript code and get the project building.

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  1. Open your InstallShield 2013 Suite/Advanced UI project in InstallShield 2014.
  2. Remove InstallScript support files from the Suite/Advanced UI project:
    1. Remove setup.inx, ISRT.dll, ISSetup.dll, and ISBEW64.exe from the Support Files | Language Independent view of the upgraded Suite/Advanced UI project.
  3. Import your setup.rul and any other script files needed:
    1. In the InstallScript view in the upgraded Suite/Advanced UI project, right-click the Files node and select Insert Script File or Import Script File (inserting links directly to the existing file; importing creates a copy of the original file for the current project). Select your setup.rul and any other files that need to be imported.
  4. Copy any compiler settings from the original project that was used to build the InstallScript code into the upgraded Suite/Advanced UI project:
    1. Compiler settings can be found in the Build -> Settings dialog on the Compile/Link tab in both projects.
    2. Additional compiler settings can be found per-release on both projects’ Releases view by selecting the release used to build each project.

After following the above steps, the Suite/Advanced UI project should compile any InstallScript code it now contains and automatically add all required InstallScript run-time files during the build process. No changes other than the above should be required to get the Suite/Advanced UI project to compile and build any InstallScript actions defined in the project.

New InstallScript functions can be added through the InstallScript view, and the Events view can be used to add new InstallScript actions to call any exported functions that are defined.

To learn more about using InstallScript code in Suite/Advanced UI projects, see the HelpNet document Working with an Action that Runs InstallScript Code in a Suite/Advanced UI Installation.


InstallShield® is the world’s leading Windows installation development solution. InstallShield is designed to enable development teams to be more agile, collaborative and flexible when building reliable InstallScript and Windows Installer MSI installations for desktop, server, Web, virtual and traditional applications. The software installer of choice for today’s sophisticated application producers, InstallShield is the only software installer that can directly convert MSIs to Microsoft App-V virtual packages. Get your free trial of InstallShield today or contact us for more information.